Money Savings Tips from Mums

My grandmother was a saver. My mum followed in her footsteps and is a saver herself. In the 90s, my mum had savings accounts with the local post office. This was an easy exercise as a lady from the post office would come to our house to collect the monthly instalment. For both my mum & grandmother, the objective of building up the savings was always towards meeting a particular need for or gifting money to children and grandchildren.

The men in the family were focused on the big picture, making decisions on long-term wealth-building strategies. They would consult with their wives, but in most cases, it would be informing them of their choices than getting their wife’s opinions.

We live in a very different world today. Thanks to women taking more interest in financial literacy, it’s good to see increasing levels of an egalitarian relationship equation. Mums and Dads are now equally involved in making major and minor decisions.

Here is a collation of 12 Money Saving tips from mums from different backgrounds and cultures.


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